4 chefs standing around smiling and laughing


Project Details
Hero Digital
UX Design
Content Migration
Web Authoring
QA & Trouble Shooting


Aramark reached out to Hero Digital to assist in designing a new website with a fresh UX to showcase their wide array of services and the many industries in which they operate. We needed to migrate the existing content from their prior CMS and employ an intuitive naming convention for their pages and assets to ensure SEO and accessibility best practices, while making the website easy enough to maintain upon client handoff.

My Role

My Role

I was responsible for identifying and building out the various templates needed across the web project using the newly designed componentry library, using Jira to report on any visual or technical issues I found along the way and working with developers to get them to function properly. I also was in charge of building out the individual pages and ensuring that all authoring requirements were being met. Throughout this process, I identified blocks of content that were used site-wide and set them up to be used dynamically throughout the website. I used my findings throughout the QA process to contribute to the internal documentation and authoring guide that we delivered to the client.



We developed an all new design system for Aramark that consisted of 5 different templates and 20 different components, each with various configurations that could be manipulated to meet the needs of the specific page or content. This also includes global components, such as the header and footer of the page, and dynamic authoring options by utilizing content fragments and experience fragments. We also wrote out in-depth authoring guidelines that we included in an authoring guide, which went over how to add, delete, or edit specific components. This also went over formatting best practices, naming conventions and recommended sizes for images and other assets, and taxonomy for blog posts and articles.


