Colourful examples of Tweets on Twitter


Project Details
UX Design
Website Auditing
Content Migration


Twitter's SMB Marketing is responsible for providing small and medium businesses with the guidance and resources they need in order to utilize and find success using the Twitter Ads platform. is the place users could go to find those resources and additional content, such as success stories and blog articles, that users could utilize to find out how to use Twitter to engage with their audience.

My Role

My Role

I was in charge of the management of through Adobe Experience Manager and owned the processes for page creation, content edits, bug resolution, and localization for our global audience. I also oversaw A/B testing and conversion rate optimization using Adobe Target, as well as tracking and analytics through Google Analytics 4.

A large part of my role also involved project management, both by overseeing the Twitter Business Jira board with the IT department, and by helping to build out and migrate Marketing tickets to ClickUp. Many of these tickets were requests for functionality found on other Twitter websites that use a newer component library, or for bug tickets currently found on



After reviewing all of the tickets outlining existing issues on the site, as well as requests for use of the newer componentry library, I surveyed the Marketing team to get an idea of how the team felt about the current state of the site, with a majority of the team agreeing that it was in need of an update. I also inspected the site to find other instances of componentry errors, and found that a large variety of these components not only contained outdated brand styles, but directly impacted the functionality or visibility of the content on the page. Both fixing these components and migrating to the new library would require a lot of work, but fixing the components would be futile because the transition to the newer component library is inevitable.

I began my audit of the Twitter Business site, taking inventory of the pages and identifying ghost pages to have removed. I then began QA on the componentry, content, and metadata, identifying issues such as broken links, missing images, outdated information, poor formatting, and grammatical errors. The goal was to have a clear information architecture for the full site that followed semantic naming conventions to avoid errors with data migration, content transfer, or URL mapping.

My role ended before the migration project could be executed, but the goal was to use the completed audit to clean up the site as much as possible, and then begin the migration to the new library, and standardize the process so that all other websites at Twitter would be able to upgrade their site as well, and instill a company-wide level of brand consistency across all of Twitter's websites.


